Sunday, 27 May 2012

Week 13: Director's Statement

A director's statement is a written proposal of the directors vision for a film. A director's statement is often asked for by producers to see if your vision is right for the job and then by investors or funding body's to help them decide if your vision for the film is worth funding, so it is important that you get it right. Director's statements can be long or quite short, sometimes you are given a page limit and other times it is up to you. A director's statement is ever changing, anytime the script changes so will the statement

Here are some examples you could use for a director's statement. You should write at least a paragraph per dot point.

  • What the story is about?
  • What genre does it belong to?
  • What is the time period?
  • What is the hero's goal?
  • Cinematic scene
  • Moral
  • Lesser themes
  • Subtext
  • Performance
  • Visual look
  • Cinematic Style
  • Editing
  • Music
  • Post sound
  • Visual effects
I think writing a director's statement is a great way for the director to have a better understanding of the film and be able to communicate that understanding to others.


  1. Thank you, been trying to find what goes in a directors statement for ages! First assignment at university!

  2. Thank you for this informations!!!

  3. Thanks a lot! Helped a great deal!

  4. I would say all those are part of your Treatment. Your statement is your "Why". Why do you want to do this and why is it needed and who is it for? It's more to show your personal motives. The Treatment would be more about the "How". How you plan to execute.

  5. It's quit very helpful, Thanks

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  7. Movies are the best way to see a story with the the so experienced actors nowadays
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    Noticias de Cine.
